In this (previously posted) chapter (now chapter 5 in our 'Captain' series), Marine Colonel Nelson visits Sergeant Aaron West. The Colonel Visits the Sergeant has been folded into this drama. Oh, but make sure you're up-to-date on the story. So let's be the fly on the wall, shall we? What's going on inside Col. Military Muscle contest for years, and Col. Bradley wants is to be shamed, again, by those damn Marines. Bradley, is going to make damn sure the captain passes muster. Today, he has reported to the base commander-Colonel Bradley-for 'inspection'. It's time to prepare for the big contest. The captain has enjoyed showing off his 'privates' to his privates, but now shit is getting serious. I love you all so much!ĪPTAIN DAVID McCallister is getting ready for the IMSSPC competition in a few weeks. Oh, and thank you so much to all of you CWS for your unending support! It's for you that I do all this! I very much appreciate the feedback you send. So let's jump into CHAPTER 7 of 'The Captain and his Privates' shall we? Morrison has been obsessed with his sergeant-ever since that moment when he first laid eyes on the blond muscle god. Of course, being the somewhat muscular gay man he is, Pfc.
Military Muscle competition, coming up in a week or two). UR STORY CONTINUES. Right now, Marine Sergeant Aaron West is recruiting one of his privates, Matthew Morrison, to help him prepare for the IMSSPC (the Mr.